Bert Boute

Industrial Designer

PhD. Industrial Design &
Medical device development
Outdoor Enthusiast


I am Bert Boute, a Belgian industrial designer and outdoor enthusiast. With a multidisciplinary skillset and PhD in Industrial Design & Medical Device Development, I thrive on tackling complex design challenges. My journey has taken me from concept generation to hands on prototyping, R&D and mechanical engineering. Now, I am keen to focus my future career on outdoor gear development.

Breast Couch Project

During this multidisciplinary project, which was the start of my PhD, I developed a prone patient support device for breast radiotherapy. This novel, innovative device enables us to treat both breast and regional lymph nodes in prone position, which drastically improves medical efficacy, patient comfort and usability.


Modular Head Reast
Van Conversion
Breast Couch Project
Ultra Light Hiking Tent Design
Adventure Motorcycle Build
Split-board Hard Boot
Engineering & Modeling
Grass Seed Cleaner
toothbrush design
small series production
Hybrid Van Conversion
fixation method
Logo Design

The Story of B

An extended weekend solo adventure and motorcycle trip around the world

Everything about the trip, the backstory, stories from the road, the gallery, vlogs, podcasts, it’s all there!